Get to Know Me

I have been nominated for the Get To Know Me tag by writingwithanopenheart . Thank you for another one Zeina, You are so supportive and amazing.


1. What does your Name Mean?

Reina means Queen

2. Are you scared of height?

I used to be but not anymore

3. What is your best physical feature?

Err my face maybe, I don’t now lol

4. What is your favourite music genre?

I don’t have a favorite

5. Are you a good cook?

I try

6. What is your favourite ice-cream flavour?

Ugh my choice is always changing. I like vanilla today, banana tomorrow 

7. Do you have any allergies?


8. What is your favourite festival?

Errr Christmas I thin.

9. Which of your parents do you look like?

A little bit of mama, so much dada.

10. Who is your favourite musician?

Ugh I don’t have a favorite. I love a lot of them 


I love the questions above so you’d answer them too

This was so much fun.. ❤ ❤